The creator for this website and blog author is Martin Gewirtz. Martin lives in New York City and has been on Active Surveillance since his diagnosis of low-grade prostate cancer in 2018. As a patient he has continued research on Prostate Cancer and Active Surveillance. He has attended conferences from coast to coast, is a member of multiple support groups, and was asked to be part of the patient peer review of the 2022 American Urological Association guidelines on behalf of Active Surveillance Patients International for which he currently serves voluntarily as Secretary of the Board of Directors, social media and newsletter coordinator. See Martin’s Board biography at https://aspatients.org/board/

Martin is a passionate advocate and a "patient" patient. He will continue to write about various aspects of Active Surveillance; report on latest studies and statistics; where Active Surveillance stands today; and MOST IMPORTANTLY, will give you, the patient, information which you can include in your shared decision making with doctors, caretakers, and specialists.

Finally, Martin was invited to present at the AUA Annual Conference in Chicago in April 2023 as part of the AUA’s Patient Perspective Program. He will be the only patient presenter on Prostate Cancer. More on that can be found in his blogpost on the event. (Click on BLOG in navigation bar above). Additionally, he received a scholarship to attend the ASCO annual conference in June, 2023, also in Chicago, and is grateful for that opportunity as well.

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